What Is Negative Energy And How To Get Rid Of It?
Have you ever experienced negative energy? Here are some listed ways you can learn what the causes are behind it & how to help you get rid of it!
Learn about Kundalini and Psychic Mediumship with
The word holistic comes from the word Holos, which means whole, the entire person. Therefore, the entire person and all aspects are considered – spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally.
We often come from trauma and seek a way to move forward in this life, searching for unity within ourselves and with others. With holistic therapy, we can free ourselves from old thought patterns on deeper levels. Working with techniques such as massage, touch, and energy, we become more open to new opportunities in life.
As a result, we meet new people, can form relationships, feel happier, and more fulfilled in life. Through practices like meditation, prayer, and learning how to manage our own energy, we can constantly move beyond time and be fully present in the here and now.
As you’ll see on all pages, I offer various types of sessions to help you. To assist you in selecting, here is a brief overview of what each entails:
I am looking forward to meeting you in one of these sessions.
– Love Suze Flower
Suze Flower will introduce you to the transformative potential of Kundalini Energy Healing. A holistic therapist, who specializes in this exceptional and exquisite discipline.
With Kundalini Energy Healing, she has been liberated from guilt, shame, anger, and grief, and she can assist you in bringing in the unique white light that flows through your spine and body as well. This life energy is linked to the stars and the planet and higher dimensional Spirits.
Sometimes, suppressed emotions might obstruct your Kundalini, stopping your spiritual development and well-being. You can initiate the healing process and awaken your Kundalini with the assistance of a healer. Contact Suze Flower immediately to take the first step towards a more fulfilled life, free of obstacles.
Suze Flower also offers a comprehensive online course to embark on a transformative journey of becoming a Kundalini teacher! Click here to learn more.
I provide a variety of Kundalini services and Energy and Psychic healing sessions to the nature of my clients to help improve their daily lives.
Have you ever experienced negative energy? Here are some listed ways you can learn what the causes are behind it & how to help you get rid of it!
Discover the world of psychic mediums and how to spot fake ones. Learn to choose a trustworthy psychic medium like Suze Flower for genuine readings.
Unlock the secrets of the chakras – from their ancient origins to the transformative impact of blocked energy centers within you.
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