You have probably heard the term “chakra” before or had it briefly explained to you once by a friend about how it works, but some part of you just doesn’t quite get it. I can get a bit confused myself, but it can be amazing when you understand it as well as when you embrace it. What I will present to you are brief explanations of what chakras are and other aspects involved in having them.
What are Chakras?
If you have ever seen chakras, you would know that the most well-known ones run along your spine with an arrangement of seven different coloured shimmering orbs emanating along it. The chakras start at the base of your spine (the root chakra) and run up it until right above your head, resting at your crown chakra.
The word “chakra” originates from Sanskrit, and it translates to one of its few meanings, “wheel of light.” Each chakra has a different colour as it runs up along the spine, with each colour symbolising something else within your bodily, emotional, mental, or spiritual state. Chakra symbols relate to lotus flowers, and the quantity of petals the chakra has symbolises the vibrational frequency at which it vibrates. The philosophy of chakras has been found in ancient yogic and spiritual texts throughout India (500–1500 BCE).
How many Chakras do you have?
So, you now know about the seven chakras (known as the Classical chakras), but it is also said that we have many more connected to our earthly bodies. This notion has been proposed by a multitude of energy healers that we have five more chakras beyond the Classical seven, and these five are known as the New Age chakras. The first of these five chakras resonates below the root chakra, while the remaining four are situated above the crown chakra. These chakras are titled the Transcendence of Time chakra, the Soul Connection chakra, the Earth Connection chakra, the Mind over Matter chakra, and the Universal Unity Chakra.
What is a blocked Chakra?
When chakras are unblocked, they help facilitate the flow of energy within your body. However, chakras can become blocked due to an array of factors, such as your lifestyle, traumatic experiences, unhealthy environments, substance abuse, etc. Consequently, you may manifest physical, emotional, or spiritual barriers as a result.

The 7 Chakras in detail
1. Root Chakra (Muladhara)

A red lotus with four petals.
Physical identity encompassing aspects such as self-preservation, survival, necessities such as adequate nutrition, water, shelter, and sleep, along with vitality and passion.
Location along the spine:
Base of the spine.
Governs which part of the body:
Legs, bones, feet, rectum, colon, adrenal glands, kidneys.
Indications of this chakra being in balance:
There is a lack of discomfort around physical experiences.
Indications of this chakra being out-of-balance:
You may become materialistic and greedy. You can also suffer from eating disorders, excessive negativity, delusions, anxiety, nightmares, and paranoia.
How to balance:
Take part in outdoor activities such as hiking, participating in gardening, preparing meals, and engaging in other nature-related activities.
2. Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana)

An orange lotus with six petals.
The ability to express your goals, passion, and creativity.
Location along the spine:
Above the pubic bone but below the navel area.
Governs which part of the body:
Ovaries, testicles, kidneys, uterus, lymphatic system.
Indications of this chakra being in balance:
You feel tranquil while also fostering and sustaining harmonious interpersonal relationships.
Indications of this chakra being out-of-balance:
You can feel tense, experience internal conflict, sexual difficulties, and an inability to express your emotions in a healthy manner.
How to balance:
Tend to your emotional well-being and close interpersonal relationships.
3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

Referred to as the “Power Chakra.” Represented by a golden-yellow lotus with ten petals.
Centre of personality, identity and ego, vital energy, rationale, and intellect.
Location along the spine:
Between the navel and solar plexus.
Governs which part of the body:
Digestive system, pancreas, and metabolism.
Indications of this chakra being in balance:
When in balance it facilitates the development of confidence, compassion, self-discipline, and a healthy self-esteem.
Indications of this chakra being out-of-balance:
If this chakra is out-of-balance it can lead to a state of stagnation (you feel as if you can no longer progress and achieve your goals), impaired cognitive abilities in decision-making, and the manifestation of depressive symptoms.
How to balance:
Eat a healthy and nutritious diet, incorporate healthy eating habits, get enough good sleep.
4. Heart Chakra (Anahata)

A green lotus with 12 petals.
Love and care to yourself and others.
Location along the spine:
Centre of the chest, near the heart.
Governs which part of the body:
Heart, blood circulation, lungs, breasts, and lymphatic system.
Indications of this chakra being in balance:
Embodying the feeling of love itself, feeling harmonious and connected with everything around you.
Indications of this chakra being out-of-balance:
Exhibiting scepticism towards those who show you affection and kindness, as well as experiencing anger, respiratory difficulties, and congestion.
How to balance:
Forgive those that have wronged you, incorporate kindness into your daily life, accept what you have no control over.
5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

Blue or turquoise lotus with 16 petals.
Expression and communication, in the sense of being honest with compassion.
Location along the spine:
Throat area.
Governs which part of the body:
Throat, mouth, tongue, thyroid, jaw, neck, larynx.
Indications of this chakra being in balance:
Having effective communication skills and being good at listening to others express themselves.
Indications of this chakra being out-of-balance:
Difficulty communicating effectively, unregulated sense of self-importance, speaking too quickly, and lack of clear thinking.
How to balance:
Singing, humming, listening to music or sitting outside and listening to nature around you.
6. Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna)

Indigo lotus with two petals.
Having the ability to recognise and perceive things around you, intuition, sixth sense, and having wisdom.
Location above the spine:
Between the eyebrows.
Governs which part of the body:
Pituitary gland, eyes, ears, head, pineal gland, and brain.
Indications of this chakra being in balance:
Having mental clarity, and being in-tune to your sixth sense.
Indications of this chakra being out-of-balance:
Headaches, visual impairment, excessive forgetfulness, confusion, and anxiety.
How to balance:
Meditate, sitting in the light of the sun or moon.
7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

Violet lotus with a thousand petals.
Self-realisation and feeling united.
Location above the spine:
Crown of the head.
Governs which part of the body:
Pituitary gland, pineal gland, and upper part of the brain.
Indications of this chakra being in balance:
Inner peace, feeling content spiritually.
Indications of this chakra being out-of-balance:
Experiencing feelings of depression and fatigue, feeling faithless, denying your spirituality, feeling dissatisfied with life.
How to balance:
Pranayama breathing techniques, and yoga.

Activating your chakras with Kundalini
For individuals interested in achieving a spiritual awakening and addressing chakra blockages, a highly effective approach to consider is the practice of a Kundalini Awakening.
By means of a Kundalini Awakening, you can assist in unblocking all your chakras. This healing modality has the potential to provide you with a transformative spiritual awakening that has the capacity to permanently change your life.
To experience a Kundalini Awakening, it is advised to use the services of a knowledgeable and experienced Kundalini Practitioner. When done correctly and appropriately, Kundalini can yield a transformative and uplifting long-lasting experience.
If you are in search of a reliable Kundalini practitioner, Suze Flower, the esteemed founder of Divine Connection, is a highly recommended choice. Suze Flower, based in the Netherlands, offers Kundalini Awakening sessions, and founded her own Kundalini Practitioner Therapist course.
The Kundalini Therapist Practitioner course encompasses a comprehensive range of topics, including techniques for entering and exiting a trance state, methods for clearing out kundalini energy from the spinal column, approaches for cleansing the kundalini channels within the body, strategies for activating the kundalini channels, an exploration of the chakra healing system, and an array of additional subjects.
Upon completing the course, participants will be awarded a certificate that you can showcase to serve as evidence of your achievement of becoming a Kundalini Therapist Practitioner. You can learn all about it here!