Kundalini Therapist Practioner Training


To become a Kundalini Therapist trainer you will come with the following benefits so you be well trained to start your own kundalini therapist practice.

The benefits are:

  • Learning how to awaken your own kundalini and that of others
  • Realizing that we are energetic humans and have many multidimensional powers to heal others and ourselves.
  • Streaming the kundalini within others and within yourself
  • Learning the technics to let the energy flow in the body mind and spirit
  • Supporting yourself to heal your own kundalini and others
  • Releasing old conditions to become aware of our true strengths in our lives
  • Knowing who we really are


level 1:  The initiation of Kundalini Therapist with a certificate as a Kundalini Therapist practitioner

The Kundalini therapist training is full embodied training.

Within a few months you are able to receive kundalini initiations from others and activate it in yourself but also to give full kundalini energy healings to others.

The schedule for online learning is:

Learn all about the course below:


The training is provided with a booklet to study the kundalini in your home

When you practice in the group you will get full teachings of Suze Flower to expand your knowledge

You receive a full certification to start practicing your Kundalini Therapist business